Unraveling the American Bully
& Pitbull Conundrum
Breed Differences & Similarities
From Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder | Sherman, TX
Unraveling the American Bully
& Pitbull Conundrum
Breed Differences & Similarities
From Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder | Sherman, TX
The question, “Is the American Bully a Pitbull?” is one that has been asked countless times. The rising popularity of the American Bully breed has sparked curiosity and confusion alike. The American Kennel Club, the governing body for dog breeds in the USA, has its role to play in this confusion, particularly as it does not recognize the American Bully Breed.
Instead, the AKC recognizes the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which share similarities with the American Bully [1]. However, there are notable differences in appearance and temperament that set the American Bully apart from these breeds. Other organizations such as the United Kennel Club (UKC), American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), National Kennel Club (NKC), and International Bully Coalition (IBC) do recognize the American Bully as a distinct breed, and The World Canine Organization (FCI) has granted it provisional recognition [1].
How does this relate to the American Bully and Pitbull conundrum?
The ambiguity surrounding whether an American Bully is a Pitbull stems from the breed’s name and physical characteristics. This article aims to dispel this confusion and provide clarity on the matter.
American XL BullyThe American Bully and Pitbull: Are They the Same?
Contrary to what the name might suggest, the American Bully is not a Pitbull, despite sharing similarities in name and genetics. The term “Pitbull” refers to a category of dog that encompasses four breeds and can also be used as shorthand for the American Pitbull Terrier breed. [6]
The four primary breeds under the Pitbull umbrella include:
American Bully & The Origins of the Pit Bull
While the American Bully is a type of Pitbull, it is not the same as the American Pit Bull Terrier. To understand this better, let’s delve into a brief history lesson. The term ‘Pit Bull’ originated in the 1800s during the era of a brutal sport known as bull baiting in the British Isles. This sport involved a bull tied to an iron stake and a group of aggressive dogs, resulting in a gladiatorial spectacle for public entertainment.
Initially, the dogs used in the sport were English Bulldogs, which were later bred with terriers. This crossbreed between a bulldog and a terrier is what we refer to as a ‘Pit Bull’. Given the lack of precision in dog genealogy back then, the Pit Bull group includes several breeds, such as the Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pitbull Terrier, and the American Bully.
The American Bully is often mistakenly identified as a Pitbull due to its genetic makeup. The American Bully breed is a mix of American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pitbull Terrier, both of which fall under the Pitbull category. This means that while the American Bully shares similar genes with Pitbulls, it is not a Pitbull, despite certain resemblances.
American XL Bully, American Bully vs Pitbull: Size & Build
One of the most apparent differences between an American Bully and a Pitbull is their build. While different Pitbull breeds can vary significantly in appearance, the following generalized comparison should provide some clarity.
Pitbull breeds typically have a broad, muscular build with a wide chest. Their ribs extend to the back, giving them an elongated and appealing look. A Pitbull’s body tends to slope towards its back, and its fore chest is level with the shoulders. An adult Pitbull can weigh up to 70 pounds and stand 20 inches tall at the shoulders.
On the other hand, American Bullies have a much bulkier appearance. They have a deep chest with well-defined ribs. Their fore chests do not extend beyond their shoulder points, and their backs are quite wide. The defining characteristic of an American Bully is its large blocky head and short legs. Adult Bullies can weigh up to 120 pounds and stand 17 to 20 inches tall at the withers. [6]
Decoding the American Bully and Pitbull Enigma
Tracing the Roots of Pitbulls and American Bullies
While we have previously touched upon the origins of these breeds, this section will delve deeper into what distinguishes the two. Pitbulls trace their lineage back to the English Isles in the 1800s, where breeders crossed the Old English Bulldog and English Terrier. The aim was to create a breed that combined the strength of a bulldog with the tenacity of a terrier, resulting in the perfect fighting dog.
The American Bully, on the other hand, was developed much later. Breeders aimed to create a unique canine companion, leading to the birth of the American Bully, a crossbreed between the American Pitbull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier.
Temperament: Pitbulls vs. American Bullies
The temperament of Pitbull breeds and the American Bully differs significantly. Despite their negative reputation, Pitbulls can make excellent family companions. However, due to their genealogy, Pitbulls may exhibit a type of instinctive aggression towards animals. This aggression can be mitigated with careful training and deep bonding. Unfortunately, many prospective owners are drawn to Pitbulls for their robust build and reputation, often without understanding how to handle them. With proper training, Pitbulls can be loyal and intelligent dogs.
Conversely, American Bullies are naturally gentle. Despite their intimidating build, they are bright and friendly dogs. Bullies make great family dogs due to their immense patience with children and strangers. It’s important to note that while dogs have unique qualities, the owner plays a crucial role in shaping the dog’s behavior. [6]
The Roles of Pitbulls and American Bullies
Pitbulls have a rich history, some of which we’ve already highlighted. Immigrants from the British Isles brought their Pitbulls to America, where they served as frontier dogs. Pitbulls were used to herd and guard livestock and even acted as ‘nannies’ for children. They are intelligent, dependable, and protective, making them excellent guard dogs and family companions.
In contrast, American Bullies, despite their fierce appearance, have a gentle disposition. They make excellent family dogs due to their intense loyalty. Bullies are outgoing, fun-loving, and tolerant. American Bully puppies are incredibly adorable, but this doesn’t prevent them from being effective guard dogs as adults. Their formidable build is often enough to deter most trespassers.
American Bully vs Pitbull: Frequently Asked Questions
Is the American Bully Considered an Aggressive Breed?
Contrary to popular belief, both American Bullies and Pitbulls can be sweet family dogs. Some people accuse the American Bully of being a dangerous and vicious dog, primarily due to their association with Pitbulls and their robust build. Most dog experts agree that the American Bully, a crossbreed of the Pitbull, is not an aggressive breed. It may surprise you to learn that Pitbulls aren’t inherently brutal dogs either.
In the past, breeders used Pitbulls in dog fights, but this was more about the fight organizers profiting than the Pitbull’s nature. Dogs must be intensely trained to become aggressive fighters. While Pitbulls do have a natural tenacity, they are also known for their protective nature towards children, a fact often overlooked by the media.
Many breeders (and owners) are now fighting back against this unjust treatment of the American Bully breed. Additionally, many Kennel Clubs are also campaigning against Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). [6]
Pitbull vs. American Bully: What’s The Difference?
Video Credit: [BEST VERSUS]
Pitbull vs American Bully: A Comprehensive Comparison
Which is Superior: The Pitbull or the American Bully?
The answer to this question largely depends on what you’re seeking in a dog. Pitbulls excel as working dogs, while the American Bully shines as a family pet. American Bullies are bulkier and possess more strength, but Pitbulls have a history of gameness. In the past, breeders focused on the determination of the Pitbull, selectively breeding them to enhance their eagerness. However, it’s not about which dog would win in a contest or which is inherently better. Both the American Bully and Pitbulls are exceptional breeds that deserve love and affection.
Are the American Bully and the American Bulldog the Same?
The American Bully and the American Bulldog are distinct breeds. However, they appear to be closely related, as experts believe that some bulldog breeds were used in the creation of the American Bully. Despite this, both are recognized as separate breeds with their own breed standards by the American Kennel Club.
What Dog Breeds are Referred to as Pitbulls?
The term ‘Pit Bull’ was initially used to describe the crossbreed of English Bulldogs and English Terriers. Today, the term ‘Pitbull’ refers to one of the following breeds: the American Bully, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pitbull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier. The well-known American Pit Bull Terrier is often simply referred to as a Pitbull. It’s important to remember that the term ‘Pitbull’ doesn’t necessarily refer to a specific breed, but rather a type of dog. [6]
Final Thoughts
While the American Bully is a type of Pitbull, it is not the breed known as Pitbull. This can be quite confusing, but hopefully, this article has helped clarify things and answer any questions you may have had.
At Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder, we not only want to provide you with the best value in your choice of the dogs we offer; we want to help inform you so that you make a choice that will be best for you and your pet – even if that means you realize that a French Bulldog or American XL Bullie is not for you!
In this article, “Unraveling the American Bully & Pitbull Conundrum”, we hope to help you make an informed decision about whether an American XL Bully is the right dog for you and your family.