French Bulldog colors - Javi’s French Bulldog & American XL Bully Breeder
French Bulldog colors - Javi’s French Bulldog & American XL Bully Breeder

History of AKC Recognition of
French Bulldog Colors

Javi’s French Bulldog Learning Center

From Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder | Sherman, TX

History of AKC Recognition of
French Bulldog Colors

Javi’s French Bulldog Learning Center

From Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder | Sherman, TX

The development of French Bulldog colors has been an interesting journey since the breed was recognized and became popular in the 19th century [1][2][3][4].

1897 – The Beginning

When the American Kennel Club (AKC) laid down the guidelines for the French Bulldog in 1897, dark brindles were favored while all other colors were permissible [4]. The original breed standard stated that the color should be uniform, pure of its kind, and brilliant. Preference was given to dark brindle, dark brindle and white, all other brindles, and all other colors¹.

1906 – No Discrimination in Color

In 1906, some minor changes were made in the standard for the head, and it was added that “No discrimination should be made as to color,” which removed the original preference that was to be given to dark brindle¹.

1911 – Revision of Breed Standards

In 1911, the breed standard went through an overhaul and a few colors were singled out and disallowed [4]. This revision included a variety of colors and patterns such as fawn, cream, and piebald [2]. The standard stated that all brindles (dark preferred) and any color except solid black, black and white, black and tan, liver, and mouse color were acceptable [1].

Modern Times

Over time, subsequent crossbreeding with other dogs led to more and more colors becoming apparent, creating an even wider spectrum. Today, French Bulldogs display a rich variety of coat colors including cream, black, blue, lilac, and even merle coloration [3].
It’s important to note that while the breed has developed a wide range of colors, not all are recognized by the AKC or other kennel clubs. Some colors, like merle, are considered a disqualification in the show ring [1].

French Bulldog colors recognized by the AKC:

French Bulldogs come in a variety of colors. The common colors include:

  • Fawn
  • Fawn & White
  • White & Fawn
  • Fawn Brindle & White
  • White
  • Brindle
  • Brindle & White
  • White & Brindle
  • Cream

French Bulldog colors that are not AKC-approved:

  • Cream & White
  • Pied (White base coat and patches of darker colors over the head, neck, and back.)
  • Sable (Red fawn base coat with black hair tips.)
  • Tan
  • Black
Why are French Bulldogs so expensive? Javi's French Bulldog Learning Center - Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder | Sherman, TX

What colors of French Bulldogs are the most expensive?

The most expensive French Bulldog colors often include Chocolate, Lilac, Merle, Blue Fawn, Platinum, and Isabella. These color variations are considered rare and highly sought after, resulting in higher prices.

What colors of French Bulldogs are the least expensive?

Fawn, brindle, and white French Bulldogs are generally less expensive than other colors. These are more common colors and hence, they are less costly.

Why is the purchase price of a French Bulldogs so expensive?

French Bulldogs are expensive due to several reasons:

  • Breeding Costs: French Bulldogs have narrow hips, which makes natural reproduction difficult. Many French Bulldogs don’t reproduce naturally, so breeders need to pay for artificial insemination. Also, these dogs usually require a C-section for birth, adding to the cost.
Why are French Bulldogs so expensive? Javi's French Bulldog Learning Center - Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder | Sherman, TX
  • Small Litter Sizes: French Bulldogs tend to have small litters, usually two to four puppies, which increases the cost per puppy.
  • High Demand: French Bulldogs are popular, and high demand can drive up prices.

French Bulldog Colors

At Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder, we not only want to provide you with the best value in your choice of the dogs we offer; we want to help inform you so that you make a choice that will be best for you and your pet – even if that means you realize that a French Bulldog or American XL Bullie is not for you!

In this article, “French Bulldog Colors”, we hope to help you make an informed decision about making a color decision when purchasing your French Bulldog puppy. The history of the AKC breed color recognition is pretty interesting too!


About French Bulldogs - Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder - Denison Texas
About American XL Bullies - Javi’s French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies Breeder - Denison Texas
Comparison of French Bulldogs & American XL Bullies - Javi's French & XL Bullies Breeder